Dr. Jacqueline Ryan Vickery
Digital Media
Youth Studies
Feminist Media Studies
Foster Care
Media Literacy
Participatory Research Methods
Ph.D. Media Studies
University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Media Studies
University of Texas at Austin
B.A. Communication
University of Oklahoma
Researching Gen Z Media: Generational Discourses & Identity Formation
Playful and Memetic Social Media Practices ​of Youth
Digital Storytelling and Media Education (NEA Funded Project)
Foster Care & College Readiness
Association of Internet Researchers
Society for Cinema and Media Studies
National Association of Media Literacy Education
Worried About the Wrong Things: Youth, Risk, & Opportunity in the Digital World
2017, The MIT Press
Mediating Misogyny: Gender, Technology, and Harassment
J.R. Vickery and T. Everbach (Eds.)
2018, Palgrave
The Digital Edge: How Black and Latino Youth Navigate Digital Inequality
S.Craig Watkins, Andres Lombana-Bermudez, Alexander Cho, Jacqueline Ryan Vickery, Vivian Shaw, & Lauren Weinzimmer
2018, NYU Press
Journal of Media Literacy Education. Pre-Prints.
Information, Communication, & Society, 18(3), 281-294
Journal of Children and Media, 8(4), 387-403
The Curious Case of Confession Bear: Reappropriating online macro image memes
Information, Communication, and Society, 17(3), 301-325
The Role of After-School Clubs in Closing Participation Gaps and Expanding Social Networks
Equity & Excellence in Education, Special Issue Participation Gaps and Digital Literacies, 47(1), 78-95
Youth Teaching Youth: Learning to code as an example of interest-driven learning
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 57(5), 361-365
Girlhood Studies Journal, 2(1), 40-53
Media discourses of girls at risk and domestication of mobile phone surveillance
Surveillance, Childhood and Youth - by Emmeline Taylor and Tonya Rooney (Eds.)
Blogrings as Online Communities for Adolescent Girls
Girl Wide Web 2.0: Revisiting Girls, the Internet, and the Negotiation of Identity by Sharon Mazzarella (Ed.)